You see, one can only consciously operate/function/communicate within the parameters of the level of their consciousness.
To understand how one can, calibrate frequency, you must have the knowing/understanding that we are (in nonphysical form) Energy.
For the closed-minded, sometimes referred to as narrow-minded, any belief or idea outside of a previously drawn conclusion is judged and shut off from consideration. A closed-minded person finds it difficult to “chew the grass and spit the sticks”
Consistent alignment with your Soul/Self results in you having an awesome human experience here. For me, this means not allowing conditions, out of my control (which are many) to control my bandwidth/frequency. This is where most can get tripped up and miss the deliciousness of this human experience
Many religious leaders across dominations proclaim that God’s will lies within the pages of the Koran, Torah and Bible. To say that God has a will at all, insinuates that God is conscious (ness) and moreover, intelligent. This supports my thesis that we are Conscious Energy expressed in form/flesh.
This audio contains affirmations for those dwelling in New Earth States of Consciousness. An affirmation is the act of confirming something to be true. Anytime you want to feel resonance with New Earth, speak these truths.
This audio contains affirmations for those who want to begin raising their vibrational frequency. An affirmation is the act of confirming something to be true. Anytime you want to feel resonance with New Earth, speak these truths.
All words matter, and all words spoken out into existence hold a vibration. However, the frequency a word emits, greatly depends on the intention behind the words spoken.
Consider this, your inner world is just as vibrant and active as your physical world. But you will have to close your eyes to see it. You need to close your eyes, and tune in to the language of the Universe, it’s vibrational thus it must be felt.
What I've come to discover through my Lightwork, is that there are those among us, who choose to let the Ego drive, to settle and let life happen to them as opposed to BEing a free Soul.
You experience situations daily, moment by moment, that effect your mood/emotions. Since emotions are a mindset, they are consciously chosen and can be controlled.
We avoid hard conversations, we bite the bullet, hold our tongue, overlook, ignore and pretend. We engage in those behaviors so that we don’t have to be/feel uncomfortable.
abundantly living within and throughout all six aspects is indeed possible, and it is what New Earth Inhabitants (NEI’s) experience on a consistent basis.
Many underestimate the energetic power of the heart. Remember, everything is Energy. You are Energy, and a direct extension of Source Energy.
I wrote a short story about a puzzle piece awakening to who it really was and why it was here. Might be a stretch, or then again it could plant a seed or water a plant for New Earth living.
Holding a person, place, or thing in your awareness is one thing, BEing attached to said, is another. New Earth inhabitants’ function from a space of non-attachment.
Consider thinking of resistance as a magnet that attracts what you don’t want. Form a picture in your mind’s eye that represents for you this formula…resist = attract.
One must hold in their awareness that when you bet on you… you’re betting on your ability to yield the greatest good from “that” decision.