My first book based on my experience of moving from ATL to Mexico. It was the catalyst that led to the birth of my brand Considerations of the Soul.
This Handbook to Living and Inhabiting New Earth now, encourages the reader to look withIN rather than withOUT while being taken on a metaphorical journey of walking home from school/Earth.
This Workbook, helps the reader with the concepts and premises introduced Handbook. The Introspections, Practices, Co Creations and Affirmations assist you in maintaining resonance/residence in a New Earth state of consciousness. Available in PDF format only. Please message me if interesting in purchasing.
This 22 -page book which outlines the 6 Aspects that comprised the totality of our WellBEing is an exclusive part of the Living & Inhabiting New Earth Now curriculum of materials.
Quincy is a rescue I adopted during the pandemic while living in Mexico. He brings me so much joy. This book was written during a very dark time in my life. It's all abut making friends. Quincy has his own You Tube Channel too called, Quincy's Corner.